This week there has been lots of exciting things happening.
Whilst I was away on holiday a few weeks ago I had a bit of a realisation
Now I know I’m not the only one out there that is sitting around on Facebook or watching re-runs of Friends everyday because I don’t have a job.
It’s a well-known fact unemployment in this country is at an all time low.
And that’s why I’m writing this post.
When you sit down in front of your laptop and say to yourself ‘right I’m going to apply for lots of jobs today’ what’s the first thing you do?
Go on huge job websites such as Reed and Monster? I thought you might have.
Recently I’ve learnt this is not always the best the way to do things.
I think some days I’ve applied to over 10 jobs on big job websites like that and I have had not one response.
What you really need to do is get in touch with local recruitment companies- they’re like your own personal job finder, and they’re free!
Local recruitment companies are the best.
Basically they get paid to find a company an employee so that means they’ll be working hard to fill the openings their clients have because they get paid for it.
This is great for us jobless people because someone is doing the legwork for you and you’ll come out with a job you didn’t even know was available!
Trust me it works.
I’ve been home from holiday a week now and the day after I got back I went into a local recruitment company.
I sat down and told them what sort of job I wanted, we had a chat, they gave me some advice for my CV and off I went.
I made a number of small changes to my CV, resent it to them and now have two interviews already!
So if you’ve just finished uni or don’t know what to do with your life and cannot seem to find a job anywhere just do it.
Google your town’s local recruitment companies, walk straight in and say ‘hi, I’d like to sign on with you’ and you’ll be getting interviews handed to you on a plate in no time.
Good luck